


上海交通大学中银科技金融学院面向海内外诚聘英才,现公开招聘金融、技术创新和创业创新等领域长聘岗位(助理教授、副教授、教授)。我们提供具有全球竞争力的薪资福利和额外的科研启动经费。我们将优先考虑研究成果丰硕和教学经验丰富的学者申请副教授以上高级职位,我们也欢迎具有卓越科研潜力和出色教学能力的优秀青年申请人。学院正在快速壮大师资队伍,了解更多信息,请登录网站: itf.sjtu.edu.cn


SJTU-BOC Institute of Technology & Finance (ITF) at Shanghai Jiao Tong University was established in February 2022 under the auspices of Antai College of Economics and Management (ACEM) at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU). ITF is committed to establishing a world-class faculty in the fields of finance, technological innovation, and entrepreneurship. We also promote interdisciplinary research and its application to practice and aim to cultivate talents who are capable of integrating technology, finance and business.


SJTU-BOC Institute of Technology & Finance (ITF) at Shanghai Jiao Tong University invites applications for tenure-track and tenured positions at all levels (Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Full Professor) and in the areas of Finance, Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurship. We offer globally competitive salary and an additional comprehensive startup package. We seek scholars with an excellent record of research and teaching for the senior positions. We enthusiastically invite outstanding young faculty applicants with strong research potential, as well as commitment and dedication to excellent teaching. The institute expects to grow rapidly in its faculty size in the near future. Please visit itf.sjtu.edu.cn for more information about ITF.

Positions at all levels, including Chair Professor, Distinguished Professor, Full Professor, Tenured Associate Professor, Tenure-track Associate Professor and Assistant Professor
1. 相关领域博士学位;
Ph.D. in related disciplines;
2. 具有从事高水平学术研究的能力或潜力;能够在顶级学术期刊发表文章
Proven ability or potential of conducting high quality academic research; expected to publish articles in top-tier academic journals;
3. 能够熟练运用中英文授课;
Proven ability or definite promise to teach in English or Chinese;
4. 对于长聘副教授、教授及以上岗位,候选人还需在相关领域表现出卓越的学术领导力,并且能够出色完成本科生和研究生教学工作。
The applicants for Tenured Associate Professor, Full Professor and above should also have demonstrated academic leadership in a related discipline with outstanding research records and should be able to teach effectively at both the undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
Finance(including but not limited to Fintech, Financial Innovation, Venture Capital, Entrepreneurial Finance and Financial Regulation), Technological Innovation (including but not limited to Artificial Intelligence, Biomedicine, Integrated Circuits, Advance Manufacturing and Electronic Information), Entrepreneurship
1. 同学术经验和成就匹配的富有全球竞争力的薪酬;
Provide globally competitive salary, commensurate with experience and academic accomplishments;
2. 根据学科方向和工作需要,提供充足的科研启动经费;
Provide comprehensive start-up funds and benefits for scientific research according to the discipline and job demand;
3. 提供人才公寓;
Provide talent apartments;
4. 其他福利待遇。
Other benefits.


▸ 对于长聘副教授及以上岗位,请先通过以下学院招聘邮箱联系我们;
▸ 对于助理教授和长聘教轨副教授岗位,请将以上应聘材料投递到招聘系统(链接如下)进行注册申请,请务必认真填写研究领域。


A complete application package should include the following: a cover letter, a comprehensive CV, three recommendation letters (sent directly from the letter writers), samples of published or working papers, a teaching/research statement and others.

▸ For positions of Tenured Associate Professor or above, please contact us through the following email first.

▸ For positions of Assistant Professor or Tenure-track Associate Professor, all application materials should be submitted through our recruitment system (http://mis.acem.sjtu.edu.cn/jszp/login.html).

Please fill in the online application form with your research fields specified.


■ 学院招聘邮箱Email:


■ 学院招聘官网Website:



■ 招聘电话Tel:86-21-52306045
