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讲座:An overview of recent advances in blockchain research

05月20日 (周一)10:00 -11:30





For researchers who currently work on different fields, why should they care about blockchain research? For researcher who are interested in blockchain research but not yet working on it, how should they start? This talk aims to shed some light of these questions.


The space of blockchain, or Web3.0 more generally, has grown so much over the years, making it difficult for new comers to navigate the field. On the other hand, blockchain research touches on so many different fields, offering plenty of opportunities for researchers with vastly different prior backgrounds. In this talk, I plan to give an overview of how the space of blockchain research has evolved over the years, what I think are open questions and fruitful future research directions, as well as how scholars with different existing interest and past work may find synergies and make meaningful contributions to the field of blockchain. The talk will be largely based off my past and ongoing work, although I may digress to other’s work as well.





Jiasun Li is an associate professor of finance at George Mason University. His current research interest is at the intersection of economics and computer science, including blockchain technologies and FinTech applications. His papers analyze the incentives of participants in distributed consensus protocols, the role of crypto tokens in jumpstarting platforms, the industrial organization of cryptocurrency mining pools with implications for blockchain (de-)centralization and energy consumption, factor structures in cryptocurrency returns, manipulations on crypto exchange, crypto derivatives, cross-chain commutation, the reliability of blockchain explorers, and the security design of investment crowdfunding. His research has appeared in leading business/financial economics journals including the Journal of Finance, Review of Financial Studies, and Management Science as well as leading computer science conferences/workshops including ACM Web (WWW) and Financial Cryptography (FC), among others. His research is supported by the prestigious NSF CAREER Award from the National Science Foundation, and has won the Yihong Xia Best Paper Award at CICF and Chicago Quantitative Alliance (CQA) academic paper competition, along with many other paper prizes. He has taught blockchain technologies to both MBA and undergraduate students, served on the committees of major blockchain conferences such as Financial Crypto, ACM Advances in Financial Technologies, and CCS DeFi. His students in the Master of Management program have voted him "Faculty of the Year." Dr. Li received his Ph.D. in finance from UCLA Anderson School of Management and B.S. in mathematics from Fudan University.


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发布者:综合管理办公室 发布时间:2024-04-29